

Einstein once said that without the impact of the bees the human race would be extinct within three years, such is their impact on the flourishing of the ecology around them.

Bees do not flourish if they stay in the hive. Instead, their presence in a place leads to the flourishing of the whole community: more blossom, more flowers, more fruit. Bees exist to bring life to what is around them, to enrich our environment, and to enhance the beauty of the spaces we inhabit and to breathe life on everything they touch.

In a spiritual sense, as a church, we want to be like that. We want to serve the city, by bringing flourishing, life, hope and fruitfulness by being part of the places and people we serve, and present everywhere we go. Proximity is one of our key values, and our bees are a sign of the hope we seek to bring to the people around us.

And our bees have been busy. In 2019 we launched a project in partnership with a local Hackney beekeeper to make organic honey in our Hackney Churchyard. After a year’s hard work by both us and our bees, we were extremely proud to launch our honey in summer 2020. It’s fair to say it’s delicious.

Help out?
To join the bee team, and to find out more about our delicious honey, get in touch below.